equities, stock market, S&P500, trading, investors, day traders, market sentiment analysis, machine learning, algorithms, AI

If you trade the S&P500, you’ll be delighted to know that for just £1.49 per month, you can receive a daily sentiment score of the Top 10 negative S&P500 stocks, all to help you beat the markets

The scores are driven by our award-winning sentiment analysis product ALASA. ALASA uses advanced proprietary algorithms to gather information from both professional and crowd-based data sources. This data is then ordered and analysed, then an appropriate positive or negative sentiment weighting is applied. The output is a highly accurate sentiment-based feed which allows investors to track market news and mood across a variety of inputs.

Sentiment scores are driven by the aggregation of 6,500 news sources globally,, and covers more than 420,000 tickers.

What do you get for £1.49 a month?

A daily email (weekdays only) of the top 10 negative and top 10 positive S&P500 stocks, half an hour after opening (10:00 local time / 15:00 GMT).

S&P500 Top 10 Negative Sentiment Analysis Scores, quantitative, trading, day trader, investors, stock market, equities, sentiment analysis, algorithms, machine learning, top stocks
S&P500 Top 10 Negative Sentiment Analysis Scores

Here’s how the S&P500 top negative and positive look today (13  November 2020.  12:00 GMT).

If you’d like to make sense of human and market signals faster and more extensively than ever before, you can subscribe here.